Online Courses

Required Courses

Fundamentals of Geographic Information Science (GEOG 5500) - Offered Spring and Fall
This course introduces the basic principles of GIScience and spatial analysis using GIS software, primarily ArcGIS Desktop. It will focus on teaching students the principles and operation of GIS software through computer-based exercises and project. Exercises train students in solving spatial problem utilizing GIS mapping and statistical methods. The project will give students hands-on experience in using computerized technologies for geographic analysis. It intends to help students understand GIS technical issues and become proficient with GIS software. The course also focuses on learning about GIS concepts, independent of the software that is used to address them.
See sample syllabus


Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GEOG 5510) - Offered Spring and Fall
The course covers the operational and management issues of geographic information systems (GIS) with emphasis on understanding GIS through use of software. Topics include the principal functional components of GIS including general GIS design and management theory, spatial and attribute data creation, database design and management, spatial analysis, cartographic production, and application design and implementation. Practical work includes analytical exercises using GIS culminating in an application project.

See sample syllabus

Elective Courses (two required)

Web GIS (GEOG 5515) - Offered in the Fall
This course introduces the basics of Internet GIS. The basics of system architecture, geospatial web services, mashups, key elements of mobile GIS solutions, the functionality of geoportals and web technologies, web mapping interoperability using universal data standards such as OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) web services, and the current state of e-business and e-government web mapping interests.  Offered every other Fall semester.


Fundamentals of Spatial Database Systems (GEOG 5516) - Offered in the Fall
The theories and principles behind Spatial Database Systems. Students will learn how to design and implement spatial databases.  Offered every other Fall semester.
See sample syllabus



Mobile GIS (GEOG 5518) - Offered in the Spring
A mobile GIS (e.g., GPS, smartphone) allows the capture, manipulation, and analysis of geospatial data in the field. This course introduces concepts, techniques, and applications of mobile GIS from two perspectives: a human perspective covering scientific methods of analyzing human mobility data and a system perspective developing geospatial applications that are compatible with both desktop and mobile platforms.   Offered every other Spring semester.
See sample syllabus


GIS for Health and Environment (GEOG 5530) - Offered in the Fall
This course is an exploration of how spatial data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used to understand and improve human and environmental health.

See sample syllabus


Computer Applications in Spatial Analysis (GEOG 5620) - Offered in the Spring
Advanced seminar in Geographical Information Systems.  This course is designed to provide the building blocks for using Python to automate geospatial workflows and tasks in GIS.  Students will create and run scripts to solve spatial problems and learn techniques to increase their proficiency in spatial analysis.

See sample syllabus


GIS Certificate Completion
To earn the Certificate, a student must pass all courses counted toward the Certificate with a grade of "B" or better. When an admitted student has completed the 12-credits of coursework, the student must contact the GIS Certificate Program Coordinator [Rich Mrozinski -] stating they have completed all coursework. The Coordinator will generate an advisement report and send it to the Graduate School on the students behalf. This report needs to be generated after you have finished all four courses for the GIS Certificate. After review of the advisement report, the Graduate School notifies the student that the GIS Certificate has been awarded by letter and email, and the appropriate designation will appear on the student’s official university transcript.